Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Mood adversely affected by Weather

It’s a well-known fact that the English complain a lot about their weather. I’d say they have good reason to. It is like a woman’s moods. While it rarely ever rains as heavily as it does in Malaysia, its unpredictable nature and the incredible length of time for which it stays can be unpleasant : ( .Malaysian thunderstorms get us drenched to the knee. But they herald their coming with thunder and lightning and storm clouds rolling in so you get your weapons ready for the battle ahead. What of English rain then? Well perhaps ‘cos the skies are often grey anyway, you don’t see it coming until you’re caught in it. Yup, sometimes it's like rapid threads so it takes a keen eye to spot it through the window. And the true star of the show is the wind, which turns your umbrella and sends shivers to your bone (if you’re not too well-covered, that is).

Perhaps you would’ve guessed by now that I’ve just gotten back from a stroll in rainy weather. And my umbrella’s broken, ish! So I was walking with one side of it flapping down >.<


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